May 6-7, 2019: The 4th annual Adventist Bioethics Conference was hosted by Adventist Health in Roseville, CA. The focus of the conference was on "Ethics for a Whole Community."

Conference Program

Survey: If you attended this year's conference, we welcome your feedback as we prepare for next year's conference. Please click here to complete a short survey.

Spectrum Article: Please click here to read the article published in Spectrum Magazine providing an overview of the conference presentations.

Conference Resources: Presentation slides, video, and other resources from the conference are available below.

Plenary Sessions:

1. Social Justice and Human Health

Speaker: Timothy Golden, PhD

Watch Video

2. Bearing Witness: Promoting Wholeness Through Clinical Ethics Consultation

Speaker: Joan Henriksen, PhD, RN

Watch Video

3. End of Life Care: Why Community Matters

Speaker: Gina Mohr, MD

Watch Video Presentation Slides

4. Complex Cases: Residue of Moral Regret

Speakers: Dennis deLeon, MD and Grace Oei, MD, MA

Watch Video Presentation Slides

Breakout Sessions:

1. Ethics and Chaplains as Leaders
Speaker: Orlando Jay Perez, MDiv
2. Legal Issues and Clinical Ethics
Speaker: Chris Johnston, JD
3. The Opioid Testing Ground: How Faith Communities Succeed
Speaker: Angeline David, DrPH, MHS, RDN
4. Just As I Am: Ethics of Evangelism at the Bedside
Speaker: Ted Hamilton, MD
5. Let's "Rewire" Our Strategy: Effective Communication with the Media
Speakers: Helen Jung, DrPH, MPH and Carlyle Walton, MHSM, CPA, FACHE
6. Adventists and Abortion: History and Prospects
Speaker: Gerald Winslow, PhD
7. Navigating Bioethics Issues in Healthcare Mergers: Challenges & Opportunities
Speakers: Eric Shadle, MD and Ismael Gama, MBA, MA


Dr. Gerald Winslow receiving the General Conference Health Ministries Medal of Distinction for Lifetime of Exceptional Service to Health Ministry from Dr. Peter Landless.


Advent Health drawing


Ethics for a Whole Community