Below you will find resources from past webinars, including presentation slides and links to listen to the webinar. If you have topics you would like to have covered in upcoming webinars, please contact us with your suggestions.

From Guideline to Action: Caring for Transgender Persons
December 8, 2022
Experts of different backgrounds examine how the AHPA statement, “Principle for the Treatment of Transgender Persons in Adventist Healthcare Institutions,” can enhance education for clinicians and optimize their delivery of care to transgender persons.
Esther Loewen, MAGL
Chérie Danielson, MHA
Jana Boyd, PhD, LMFT
Alex Dubov, PhD, MDiv
The New Alzheimer Medicine: Hope or Hoax?
September 9, 2021
Neurology, pharmacy, ethics, and policy experts address practical implications of the FDA approval of Aduhelm (aducanumab) for treatment of Alzheimer’s patients.
Michael Hogue, PharmD, FAPhA, FNAP, Loma Linda University
Wonha Kim, MD, MPH, CPH, FAAP, Loma Linda University Health
Gerald Winslow, PhD, Loma Linda University
Paradigm Shift: How Geoinformatics is Changing our Understanding of Healthcare
May 19, 2021
Leaders from different health systems discuss how geoinformatics can be applied in the clinical setting, as well as examine the associated ethical concerns regarding privacy.
Craig Gillen, PS, AdventHealth University
Seth Wiafe, PhD, Loma Linda University
Health Disparities and Racial Justice
February 24, 2021
Part 3 of Bioethics in Action: Highlighting Work Across the Consortium
November 19, 2020
Part 2 of Bioethics in Action: Highlighting Work Across the Consortium
November 10, 2020
Part 1 of Bioethics in Action: Highlighting Work Across the Consortium
October 29, 2020
Pandemic Triage: Pausing for Reflection
May 21, 2020
Download Slides Listen to Webinar COVID-19 Racial Disparities in U.S. Counties
Triage Ethics During a Pandemic
March 25, 2020
The Sacred Call of Bioethics and Ministry
January 30, 2020
This webinar is a reflection on what human behavior, principles, and values are and how they interrelate with theology and good medicine.
Orlando "Jay" Perez, MDiv
Gerald Winslow, PhD
Ethics and Palliative Care: Five Questions about Palliation, Opioids, and Pain Management
November 19, 2019
Adventists and Abortion: History and Prospects
September 26, 2019
"Are We Making the Right Decision?"
June 10, 2019
Recommended Resource: A Process and Format for Clinical Ethics Consultation by Robert D. Orr and Wayne Shelton
"Clinical Ethics Consultants and Bioethics Committees: What's the Difference?"
April 16, 2019
Recommended Resource:

"Surrogate Decision Making: Standards and Pitfalls"
January 22, 2019
Surrogate decision making is a very common practice in medicine. However, this is an area that can be fraught with questions of ethical significance. This webinar will guide attendees through the standards of surrogate decision making and highlight how healthcare professionals, including nurses and chaplains, can help families through what can be a difficult process.
- Religion and Spirituality in Surrogate Decision Making for Hospitalized Older Adults
- Seeking and Accepting: U.S. Clergy Theological and Moral Perspectives Informing Decision Making at the End of Life
- Sulmasy, Daniel P MD, PhD; Snyder, Lois JD. "Substituted Interests and Best Judgments: An Integrated Model of Surrogate Decision Making." American Medical Association. 2010. JAMA. Vol 304, No. 17.
- Due to copyright, we are unable to provide a direct download link for this article. Please access through the JAMA network. We apologize for the inconvenience